Study, research, passion

StemNet is a federation among the four main associations of stem cell researchers (GISM, IPLASS, SCR-Italy, FIRST).

The Federation aims at encouraging:

  • A shared scientific culture aimed at enhancing research and its impact on society in the areas of competence.
  • The visibility of the impact that our societies have in the research and development of stem cells.
  • The common position on specific aspects of research and clinical applications with stem cells proposing us as an useful national reference point.
  • A critical and constructive relationship with the institutions in charge of funding to support and regulate both research and the most innovative therapeutic applications.
  • Supervision and dissemination on funding opportunities in which the added value of the aggregation between associations is visible.
  • The identification of common themes for the writing of scientific reviews among the members of the various associations, in order to disseminate, in a competent and shared way, positions debated in the scientific field. The current debate among scientists on how stem cells work in therapy is an example.
  • Creating a network among research groups and proposing common scientific events.


Forum of Forum of Italian Researchers on Mesenchymal and Stromal Stem Cells


International Placenta Stem Cell Society


Italian Group Mesenchymal Stem Stromal Cells

SCR Italy

Stem Cell Research Italy

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